Ode to My Mom
Running on Course,
- Vicki is gearing up for the racing season. She is currently training to participate in the Rainier to Ruston relay race with 4 other ladies. It is a 50 mile race and she is running two of the legs, specifically the first leg which starts closest to Mt. Rainier. The race is on Sat. June 4th. Should be a great time! What a blessing to have friends to spend time with doing what you love to do! (http://www.rainiertoruston.com/). (We are tentatively planning on running the Rock n' Roll the end of June...we'll keep you updated!).
Field & Stream!
I made it into a magazine: Field and Stream in the March 2011 edition! The picture below shows me with my first winter steelhead. It's from a trip with my good friend Tally!
In closing, we just want to thank the LORD for His goodness shown to us in so many ways, BIG and small! As we look forward to Easter and all that it represents, we thank the LORD Jesus for His guidance in our lives. We know that He is real, alive and one day - as the Bible teaches - will return as the King of kings and Lord of lords and reign over all! As we patiently wait, we continue to thank Him everyday for His wonderful gifts!
Staying His course, Jay, Vicki, Hannah, Grace, Daisy & Donut (our Rabbit)