The girls and I at the Sport was packed!
At mile 9 of the race...
The Alaskan Way Viaduct out to the Aurora Bridge over Lake Union onto Aurora with a turn-around.
From Aurora Avenue after mile 20 you could see the top of the Space needle nestled in amongst the downtown buidlings! Almost finished!!!!
1/2 Marathoners and Full were on the same route up to mile 9
The I-90 Bridge over Lake Washington...runners ran in the "express lanes" in the was a little windy on that bridge!
The Alaskan Way Viaduct out to the Aurora Bridge over Lake Union onto Aurora with a turn-around.
Mile 15 on the lower deck- out to the Aurora Bridge and back to upper deck.
Mile 22 on the upper
From Aurora Avenue after mile 20 you could see the top of the Space needle nestled in amongst the downtown buidlings! Almost finished!!!!
Runners finished at the north end of Safeco Field...Seahawk territory ;)!
The medals were the coolest medals I have ever gotten from a race!!!!
Jay and I are running a marathon in a little over 3 months in October in VICTORIA, CANADA! Yes...Jay is going to do 26.2! It's a 10-10-10 race. He turns 40 on October why not celebrate with a marathon!=) "Oh Canada"!!!
I can't wait to run that one with Jay!=)
So here's a question for you want to Rock-n-Roll with us next year on June 11, 2011? Jay was thinking of signing up for the 1/2 marathon and we are thinking that it would be really cool and fun to get a whole bunch of people together to run the race! It would be so could start running now to prepare! I might do the Full again- but the 1/2 and Full take the same route for the first 9 miles...=)! Come on...YOU CAN DO IT!!! It would be blast to run together! Seriously...think about it!
Thanks so much for the prayers!!! We thank God for you!
Running In His Footsteps-
Jay, Vicki, Hannah, Gracie
1 Cor. 9:25
1 Cor. 9:25