Speaking of webbed feet...we have 2 Canadian Geese and their 7 goslings living in a pond behind our house. We have loved watching them! They are so cute!!! Everyday we go and visit them. We view somewhat from a distance because the parents are very protective! Have you ever seen a Canadian Goose hiss at you? It's kinda freaky!
It's been fun to see how the goslings swim. They always swim with one parent in the front and one in the back, and they will follow wherever the parents lead.Did you know that the parents of goslings loose their flight feathers during the breeding process and are unable to fly until the goslings get their flight feathers? This allows the parents to be with their goslings 24/7- to protect them, teach them and care for them. They are so committed!
Canadian Geese mate for life and they can live up to 20 years!!!
I've given Jay the official title "Guardian of the Goslings". A couple of weeks ago Jay chased down some boys that were throwing rocks at the geese and their babies and told them to leave the geese alone. They haven't been back since! Ha!
I guess one of the reasons I like to watch the geese is because they are so faithful to one another. The parents faithfully lead and the goslings faithfully follow. I love to watch how the male and female work together to care for the goslings....they even take turns sleeping- so that one is always on guard. I saw the male go up against a red tale hawk a few days ago- the red tale hawk didn't have a chance. It was an awesome sight!!!
I think God is watchful of us- even more than the Canadian Geese are of their goslings. He protects, feeds, cares, trains and likes to be with us. Maybe that's why I like watching those geese so much...it reminds me of the care God has for us and His faithfulness to our family. He's our family's Leader- and all we want to do is follow.
Well, that's it for today=)! Thanks for running along side of us! Keep on course!
Running in His Footsteps-
Jay, Vicki, Hannah and Gracie=)
Joshua 24:15
Joshua 24:15
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